Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Media Polisher Seminar, October 23, 2010

In my last post, I gave a very detailed explanation of how things have changed in the way you generate media interest for you business, product, service, or cause.

Because I believe we have to put our money where our mouth is, I have created a one-day seminar designed to help you generate more sales, more media, and more mojo!

This will be on the ground in Portland, Oregon on Saturday, October 23rd with other dates and cities to follow. The good news about Portland is that this one will be a third of the regular cost of this program. This is because it is in my own city and it's a pilot program for now. I have taught this material many times before, but this is a new seminar and it's going to shine! You will leave with a well-produced video and tons of information on how you can use it. Would love to have you there.

Contact me at joanne (at) teleport (dot) com or 503-642-4191. When you're ready to make this happen, you'll know it. Call me.


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